Valentine’s Collection
A collection of seasonal drinkware and merchandise created for the Starbucks global marketplace. Inspired by luxury brands of make-up and women’s fashion, this line was created to appear youthful and hand-rendered. A new handle-mug silhouette was created to hold surface illustrations and an enamel pin set was designed for e-commerce to mark the launch of the drinkware line. Refinery 29 took notice just after launch.
Art Direction, Illustration & Merchandise Design
Two of a Kind
Working with vendors to create a unique mug silhouette for surface illustrations, the ‘Nana’ mug was born. Illustrations were painted in the physical first, and then digitally applied for handmade appeal. The illustration style was kept youthful and spare, and the mugs were branded with two different Starbucks logos for mix-and-match pairing.
Three of Hearts
Creating Starbuck’s first collection of enamel pins was a real treat, and became a recurring merchandise offering after their success. Two cold cups were treated with surface and insert illustrations, and each element and finish was hand-selected to keep the entire collection in season.